What do howler monkeys and good Christian patriarchs have in common? Tiny balls and ridiculously loud voices!
I ran across something utterly ridiculous this morning. A pile of men commenting on The Transformed Wife Lori Alexander’s post:
What Lori said:
There’s just one problem. All of the scriptures she’s using to justify women being silent in church are the words of Paul, not God. There’s something disturbing and off putting about those that elevate the words of Paul above the words and actions of Christ.
You know who’s also not speaking the words of God? The teeming hordes of toxic incel-esque guys in the non-denominational Evangelical world of high demand religion. They’re sounding off in Lori’s comments. When I looked it was almost entirely men doing this, not women. A sample of a few:
Ugh! A pile of ugly rolling out of the mouths of the pridefully stupid. There’s an amazing amount of hatred in the comments posted I didn’t share here and some of Lori’s own replies towards evangelist preacher Joyce Meyer. Mix that end with the idea that men should only be speaking a wife’s testimony instead of the wife and you have pretty much the most toxic stew of weirdness around.
This is why I have always thought that those, male or female, who’ve not gotten a theology degree or serious study of the Bible have no business telling others how to live. Lori Alexander is the mean queen of extra-Biblical ideas, and the large number of men showing up on her social media accounts seems to indicate that she’s teaching men, that thing she decries in others.
Why Joyce Meyer is the thing that rings all of their chimes? I have to hazard a guess that it’s because of several things. Joyce is confident, well spoken and put together in her physical appearance. It’s rooted in jealousy in Lori I believe. The guys likely hate her because of her burgeoning influence on the ladies in their lives. I’ve sat in a few Joyce Meyer’s teachings and it’s a type of prosperity gospel in some ways. I like Joyce, but her teachings aren’t exactly deep.
I’m more disturbed by the quote from Gill’s Commentary that seems to indicate that women not wearing head coverings is a huge sin and that even a woman leading worship is a sin. Tell me you hate women without telling me you hate women.
None of this lines up at all with the way Jesus taught, spoke to and treated women.
These men are completely unwilling to consider whether or not those verses belonged in the Bible in the first place. They're not willing to consider the context, or the fact that in the New Testament, we had several female apostles and deacons. According to my pastor, those verses were there to protect first-century Christians from persecution by the surrounding authorities because it was illegal at that time for a woman to even learn to read. So if she was speaking in church she would attract undue attention and they could all get killed.
Not sure how true that is. I've also heard that they are extra-Pauline interpolations not put there by Paul, put there by Catholics later on. I've also heard that they were being quoted, but as the first century Koine Greek had no punctuation that there weren't quotation marks and you would only have known that from the context. I've also heard that it was an appeal to the pagan Greeks who worshipped female gods and that these quotes were helping to calm down certain churches in certain places (as they were letters to specific congregations, addressed to them). That explanation honestly made a lot of sense, because there was so much worship of the fertility goddesses and they thought women came before men in the creation order. https://www.google.com/search?q=i+suffer+not+a+woman+to+teach%3F+-+thoughtful+boldness&rlz=1C5CHFA_enUS995US995&oq=i+suffer&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqBggCECMYJzIGCAAQRRg5MgcIARAuGIAEMgYIAhAjGCcyBwgDEAAYgAQyBwgEEC4YgAQyBwgFEAAYgAQyBwgGEAAYgAQyBwgHEAAYgAQyBwgIEAAYgAQyBwgJEAAYgATSAQgzMzEwajBqN6gCALACAA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
I am studying this topic right now in Seminary and plan to write a paper on it. I've already come up against opposition for even being in Seminary as a woman. It's the year 2025 and Christian men still think they can tell strange women (who aren't related to them) what they should or shouldn't do with their lives. Ridiculous.
One of my textbooks goes through this women in church leadership issue in a chapter we read last week, I will have to share notes with you.
There is also this book:
I can't even read those comments that you shared screenshots of because I'm afraid I might have a stroke. LOL